Sunday, October 3, 2010

What a welcome!

Our first day started perfectly for some of the people in the group...the Collinwood supporters! Obviously! Around 6.30 AM local time we made our way downstairs to watch the footy in Union Bar. Fresh coffee and pastries (not fair having such temptations so early in the morning!) had been prepared specially for our group. It was interesting to see how "Aussie Rules" is truly becoming a global game and it is now broadcast by ESPN. We watched the first half of the game before going for the most amazing buffet breakfast I've ever seen! Someone counted 15 different varieties of fresh juices! Unreal! We finished watching the game and it seemed like the girls were more in a mood to celebrate than the boys, so a glass or 2 of champagne went down very well. All this before 9.30 in the morning!

Later on our trip to Robben Island was cancelled but the weather was so beautiful that we headed for one of Cape Town's main tourist attractions - Table Mountain. It is rare to see the mountain not covered in clouds the local say, so we were lucky. The views from the top of the mountain are incredible with beautiful coastal views from everywhere.

Wine in South Africa is good and quite inexpensive, so pizza and wine was the perfect lunch. After enjoying a relaxing afternoon in the hotel, tonite we'll be having the Welcome Happy Hour. That officially kick starts the Tour and the whole group will finally be reunited.

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