Saturday, October 2, 2010

The adventure starts now!

Most of us have finally arrived today in Cape Town after traveling nearly 25 hrs door to door from Melbourne...the trip was worth it though! After a quick stop at J'bourg airport, which is huge and very modern, we arrived in Cape Town where the weather temperature is perfect. The hotel where we are staying is called the Table Bay Hotel, a 5 star hotel located right on the Harbour- just gorgeous!

It is hard, however, to totally dettach ourselves from our lovely Australia and especially the things that matter to us the the footy! So, tomorrow morning at 6:30 am the Hotel is opening the Union Bar specially for our group so we can watch the Grand Final! No sleeping in...but...who wants to miss it???

In the afternoon we'll be visitting Robben Island and enjoying the hotel's facilities which look amazing. Time to go to bed now... early start for the footy fans!

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